A classic in simplicity. It’s really hard to screw up this beer. If you don’t have a false bottom throw in the rice hulls. The last thing you need is a stuck sparge. This is one of those beers you can actually let rip as long as it doesn’t get to 80° or something ridiculous, Higher the temp the more banana flavors you will get. I ferment at 65° to try to keep it balanced. You can bottle after a week and then drink after a week of conditioning but check to make sure before you bottle that the yeast has flocculated or you will have too much yeast in suspension to be pleasant to drink. If you do bottle right away definitely cold condition bottles for a couple days before you drink to make sure the yeast flocs. You’ll know by a good thick layer of sediment at the bottom of the bottle. I’ve heard of the 7 day hefe but you will have to cold crash the fermenter at the end of fermentation and keg it.
5 gallon all grain
OG 1.047
FG 1.014
ABV 4.33%
5 lb wheat 2L
5 lb pilsner 2L
.5 lb rice hulls
28g (1 oz) Hallertau 60 min
Mash and Sparge
Masin in 3.75 at 162F to stabilize at 151F for 60 min
Batch Sparge 5 gallons 170
Boil volume 6.5 gallons