Czech Pils

I love a good Pils whether German or Bohemian (Czech), problem is getting them in good condition is still a bit of a challenge. Toronado in San Diego used to get Radeberger (hopefully they still do) which I could guzzle by the pint no problem. Here in the 805 Pivo is pretty easy to get but, although a excellent beer, its definitely a pils with an American flair. Pilsner Urquell is purportedly shipping cold through the supply chain now but haven’t had it in ages. Oskar Blues Mama’s Little Yellow Pils is about as close to a fresh Bohemian style pils you’re going to get this side of the Rockies. Just an excellent beer. I drank 2 liters recently and was astounded how great a well done (and fresh!) pilsner can be. I could have easily drank 2 more liters. Anyhow I had a Northern Brewer gift card burning a hole in my wallet and thought why not do a proper lager. Going to try the rapid lagering method:

5 days cold at 57F
Ramp up to 68F and hold 3 days
Take gravity reading and if fully attenuated cold crash 1 day
Add gelatin and let settle 1 day
Rack to keg and carbonate 3 days

Total estimated time: 13 days.

That’s right two weeks turn around. That’s a tad longer than many of my pale ales and bitters using my favorite Dry English Ale yeast.

5.5 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.045
Estimated FG: 1.008
Estimated Color: 3 SRM
Estimated IBU: 45.3 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 4.7%

9.5 lbs German Pilsner (2 SRM) 97.4%
.25 lbs Carahell (Carapils)  (2 SRM) 2.6%

60 minute Boil
28.00 g Perle [8%] – Boil 60 min 28.4 IBUs
28.00 g Czech Saaz [3.75%] – Boil 30 min 10.2 IBUs
28.00 g Czech Saaz [3.75%] – Boil 15 min 6.6 IBUs

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
100% RO water
1g Calcium Chloride added to mash water
1g Calcium Chloride added to sparge water
Just a pinch of gypsum in mash and sparge water (1/8 teaspoon or so)
Mash in 4 gallons water 157F and let stabilize to 150F for 60 min
Mashout 170F
Batch sparge 4.75 gallons cold

Saflager S-23 2 packs

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