Black Burton

My take on a 3K ale, also know as a stock or Burton ale. These beers have high gravities and high hopping rates and were aged, although by the 20th century the gravities had dropped quite a bit as compared to 18th and 19th centuries where the gravities would be as high as 1.100. I was going to make an invert sugar but it’s such a pain in the butt that I opted to try my hand again at brewers caramel for coloring while using Turbinado and molasses as substitutes for the invert. To make the brewer’s caramel I took 3 tablespoons of brown sugar with one tablespoon water and went low and slow in a saucier pan for about a half hour and got it pretty black without burning it. Based on the SRM color chart of the finished product in the fermenter,  I back calculated and came up with 1500 SRM on it. This is highly speculative of course but Sinamar is 3000 SRM so it makes sense somewhat. Anyhow, after all this the beer is still not black but brown…looks like I need to have either more caramel or actually use Blackstrap molasses instead of regular molasses. Never knew there was a difference. Blackstrap is three times more concentrated. Wort tasted like one of those molasses cookies. Should be tasty.

6 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.065
Estimated FG: 1.009
Estimated Color: 21.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 102.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
ABV: 7.5%

12 lbs Marris Otter (3.0 SRM) 83.7%
2 lbs Turbinado Sugar (10.0 SRM) 13.9%
3.2 oz Black Patent (500 SRM) 1.4%
1.6 oz Brewers Caramel (1500 SRM est based on SRM wort color and back calculating) 0.7%

60 minute Boil
28.00 g East Kent Goldings [5.7%] – Boil 60 min 15.7 IBUs
28.00 g Warrior [15.7%] – Boil 60 min 43.3 IBUs
28.00 g Galena [12.5%] – Boil 30 min 26.5 IBUs
28.00 g Galena [12.5%] – Boil 15 min 17.1 IBUs
28.00 g East Kent Goldings [5.7%] – Boil 0 min 0 IBUs
56.00 g East Kent Goldings [5.7%] – Dry hop 7 days

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
1/2 Ventura water(high bicarbonates and sulfates)
1/2 RO Water
4g calcium chloride mash
4gm calcium chloride  sparge water
Mash in 4.825 gallons water 162F and let stabilize to 153F for 60 min
Batch Sparge 4.6 gallons 170F

WLP 007 Dry English Ale 2L starter

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