American Stock

Not quite sure where this beer sits. A little maltier than a “Red IPA” but this puppy is heavily hopped like an IPA. Could be considered a strong ale, stock ale, Christmas ale, or keeping ale. Really not that concerned about styles but I was thinking about it and this beer could almost be Hop Head Red. Check out this recipe I did a couple years ago.

It’s funny the more I brew the more I think I have things dialed in. Reality is you always have to double check everything in your process. I only measure final volume once it’s in the kettle. By then its too late if you have too much volume. I measure out my filtered tap water in a marked 5 gallon PET carboy and my RO water in a marked gallon jug from the under sink RO filter. As you can imagine you might lose count. This batch was 1.25 gallon over in the kettle resulting in a much reduced pre-boil gravity. Not too sure how this happened but it did. So need to take my trusty measuring dowel and mark the other side for the mash tun in one color and hot liquor in another and measure before firing up. Simple yeah, but never thought about it until I screwed up.

Anyhow, lesson learned and had to do a 2 hour boil to get the gravity up, but hey some of these English, Scottish and Belgian beers were boiled for a couple hours. Maybe it will add some extra maltiness? On my second attempt with dry yeast. The Czec Pils had a successful ferment with the much maligned Saflager S-23 but that will be a another post. The Windsor really fired up quick.

6 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.071
Estimated FG: 1.013
Estimated Color: 19 SRM
Estimated IBU: 74 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 7.7%

13.25 lbs Pale Two Row (2 SRM) 72.5%
2.5 lbs Vienna (3.5 SRM) 13.7%
1.75 lbs Bairds Crystal 77 (80 works fine) (80 SRM) 9.7%
10 oz Special Roast (50 SRM) 3.4%
2 oz Carafa III (470 SRM) .6%

60 minute Boil
28.00 g Cascade [6.9%] – First Wort  21.5IBUs
28.00 g El Dorado [15%] – Boil 60 min 39.6 IBUs
28.00 g Cascade [6.9%] – Boil 10 min 6.6 IBUs
28.00 g Citra [12%] – Boil 5 min 6.3 IBUs
56.00 g Cascade [6.9%] Dry hop 3 days
28.00 g Citra [12%] Dry hop 3 days

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
50% Ventura water (very high sulfates and bicarbonates)
50% RO water
4g Calcium Chloride added to mash water
2ml Lactic Acid added to sparge water
Mash in 7 gallons water 157F and let stabilize to 148F for 60 min
Mashout 170F
Batch sparge 4 gallons cold

Lallemand Windsor 2 packs

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