Devolution XPA II Tasting Notes

Tried the XPA II today side by side with XPA I. Not as creamy as XPA I, maybe because I cranked the carbonation down and is a little bit more attenuated. Definitely a drier mouth feel. My warm room is WARM and I can literally crack a bottle 3 days after bottling. XPA II has a much more floral character in the nose because of the New Zealand Hallertau, which I am a big fan of now, added as the dry hop. Beautiful aroma to that hop. Both beers have that Sorachi ace lemon zing to them but I think with different late additions the XPA II is a better beer with less lemon overtones because Sorachi Ace is just the bittering hop and not added at multiple times. Seems that the lemon zing or as some people allude to “Lemon Pledge” is missing but mildly apparent in I. Very pleased with this beer. If your looking for a good session ale this style is awesome.

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