Notes on the Belgian Pale Ale

Actual Readings

SG 1.050
FG 1.011
ABV 5.2%

So my mash was too high by about 2 degrees at 154. Add that I’m probably sparging a tad too much and not getting the wort concentrated enough after boil because I seem to have around a 1/2 gallon of wort left over when adding the wort to the fermenter. This makes it easier to whirlpool out the dregs but I’ve been off about 5 points on my last two brews SGs. I’m thinking I need to dial back my evaporation loss when calculating sparge water and it should dial it in.

Anyhow, tasted the young beer yesterday at two weeks while bottling. I was pretty pleased with the outcome. Malty backbone but a somewhat dry mouth feel  from the sugar addition, with a hint of citrus from the orange peel and coriander. Couldn’t really detect any grains of paradise but it might be buried under the abbey yeast. A pretty complex beer that will probably get better with a bit of age. Carbonated high so it should plump up the body a bit. A couple weeks of conditioning should have this ready to go.

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