No more cheap beer? Blame hipsters

Pretty amusing titled article on alcohol prices. “Sub-premium”(Bud, Miller, Coors, Pabst, etc) beer prices have gone up by 6.8%, wine 8% and booze 11%. Mind you this is in restaurants. “Small batch” beer(i.e. “craft beer”) has only gone up 1.8%. Hipsters drinking PBR? This is old news. PBR costing more? Old news as well. The only reason I would drink PBR is that it’s cheap. No longer.

I’d like to see the data in retail. I know it cost more to make a good beer but honestly I can’t find a six pack these days under $9 that’s good unless its on sale and, like anything on sale, who knows how long that beer has been sitting there. It wasn’t long ago that I could by a good 6 pack for 5 bucks. Is it inflation, such as  the price of raw ingredients, transportation, etc? Or is it greed? I claim it’s a bit of both. There is a small mention of restaurants desperate for revenue raising prices but that’s it. I know some breweries are selling their product at a decent wholesale price while liquor stores gouge the holy hell out of customers for “premium” or “craft” beer once they get their hand on the product. Another gouging is the growler fill for $14 – $16. Why would I pay $14 dollars for less than a six pack? Not all breweries do it. You know who you are that do! How about the $8 22 ounce bomber? Ridiculous! I think the industry almost assumes that the average beer consumer has pretty much no understanding of math and economics and assumes that something priced higher in a big bottle must be something special – it’s not it’s the same beer you could get in a six pack for $9.99. Snobby drinkers need to wake up to this. I believe they are the ones to fault whether “hipster” or not.

Read more here–no-more-cheap-beer-blame-hipsters

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