London Porter Revisited

I love porter and stouts. Problem is you just don’t see them very often in the store. Deschutes and Sierra Nevada I believe are the only large breweries that have one in their regular offerings. One local brewery creates a nice porter on nitro but I’m not too into paying $22 for a growler fill.

I first made this beer years ago and remember it being one of my favorites. Didn’t tweak the recipe much beside substituting EKGs for Fuggles in the last hop addition and using more RO water since I was out of acid and to take down that dry minerality of the local water.

6 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.059
Estimated FG: 1.015
Estimated Color: 32.3 SRM
Estimated IBU: 37.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 5.9%

10 lbs Marris Otter (3.0 SRM) 66.7%
2 lb Crystal 60 (60 SRM) 13.3%
1 lb Brown Malt (65 SRM) 6.7%
1 lb Chocolate Malt (350 SRM) 6.7%
1 lb Munich Malt (9 SRM) 6.7%

60 minute Boil
56.00g Fuggles [5.5%] –  60 min 31.8 IBUs
28.00g EKG [6%] – 10  min 7.3 IBUs

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
80% RO water
20% Ventura water (high bicarbonates and sulfates)
3g Calcium Chloride added to mash water
3g Calcium Chloride added to sparge water
Mash in 6 gallons water 162F and let stabilize to 152F for 60 min
Mashout 170F
Batch sparge 4 gallons cold

Safale S-04 English Ale Dry Yeast

Ferment until done 65F
Cold crash one day
Add gelatin and rack to keg and carbonate using your preferred method

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