Liberty Ale

Maybe the first reintroduction of the IPA on American shores since the infamous Ballantine IPA continued to be bastardized by corporate mayhem. A very simple beer that lets the ingredients shine through. Two row, Cascade, and California Ale V (the Anchor brewery strain). Cal Ale V is more floculent and less attenuating than Cal Ale I and supposedly gives off more fruit notes(more like a classic English Ale yeast). Got the recipe from BYO but the hopping amounts were producing a very low IBU when entered into Beer Smith so upped them quite a bit. IBUs might be a tad high but after racking to secondary the beer didn’t taste that bitter so I think I’m good to go. The yeast is wonderful too. Nice fruit and malt notes allowing for a well balanced beer. I recently moved into a new place and don’t have any RO water so used 100% tap with filtration. Ran out of Calcium Chloride also which really helps to adjust the hard water here, so had to go 100% lactic acid to acidify. Probably the palest beer I’ve ever made so maybe the 100% lactic was a good thing. Can’t wait till this puppy is carbed up.

5 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.059
Estimated FG: 1.012
Estimated Color: 4.2 SRM
Estimated IBU: 57.2 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 6.2%

12.5 lbs Pale Two Row (2.0 SRM) 100%

60 minute Boil
28.00 g Cascade [7.0%] – Boil 60min 24.2 IBUs
42.00 g Cascade [7.0%] – Boil 45 min 33.3 IBUs
14.00 g Cascade [7.0%] – Boil 0 min 0 IBUs

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
Ventura water(high bicarbonates and sulfates)
5ml lactic acide mash
3ml lactic acid sparge water
Mash in 19.75 qt water 157F and let stabilize to 148F for 60 min
Batch Sparge 3.5 gallons 170F

WLP 051 California Ale V 2L starter

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