IPA tasting

Poured a light hazy golden with a nice sticky head.  Beautiful lacing.  I’ve used Irish Moss for years and years and finally tried out Whirfloc. Wasn’t prepared for the mass of hot break it created and ended up siphoning quite a bit of it up not wanting to have wort loss. Even after transferring to secondary still had a lot of hot break in the bottom of the fermenter that eventually ended up settling in the bottles that was creating some haze.

A wonderfully dry beer letting the hops shine through with a crisp smooth bitterness. Even at 7.5% this beer is really dangerously drinkable. First time I’ve done a first wort hopping and I think it really was key to creating a firm smooth bittering you cant get any other way. Aroma was wonderful but I was perhaps expecting more. I had late additions and a flame out addition where I let the temperature drop below 170 before adding the hops.  I did use hop bags to dry hop so this could be the culprit perhaps limiting the hops’ contact with the beer. The bags did however help with the hop particulate in the finished beer. Overall a real winner. Will be doing this recipe again.

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