Harvested Cascade Hops

Having never grown hops before, I was unsure when to harvest these bad boys. Of course there are many and varied opinions online. Some say to harvest when the hops change color, are paper like, cut in half you see yellow lupulin, edge on petals turn up, and are starting to brown. I might have left them on the bine a little too long because a lot were a little crisp, but interestingly enough those ones had the most hop-like smell. Didn’t weigh wet but will weigh when dry. For the first year of this plant I think the yield was OK. Going to split the rhizome up and start another one or two from this one.

Constructed a drying screen out of scrap wood and 5 dollars worth of window screen to make a 3′ x 3.5′ drying screen. I’m using a fan to blow over the top to keep the air moving and help with the drying process. After 18 hours or so they are already drying out nicely.

Cascade hops crying on screen

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