Black Burton Tasting

Black BurtonFirst off this beer is not black. As I explained in the recipe posting my use of brewers caramel for coloring came in below SRM target by about 10 points at around 20 something. However the appearance is a nice shade of brown with a thick lingering head. A bit hazy from the massive hopping but clears a bit upon warming. A bit of burnt sugar, alcohol, and a faint hint of Goldings in the nose. Tannic and floral hops with an assertive bitterness that is long lasting. Basically a hop bomb, but not in the idea of American dankness, but in a restrained English sense. EKG is front in center throughout. A bit of marmalade and molasses with a touch of sweetness possibly from hop glycosides and alcohol.  Body is a tad thin although I upped the mash temp to 153 F and the beer finished at 1.014. Think I could of went a bit higher. I think finishing at around 18 would suit this beer. Regardless very quaffable at 7.5%.

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