Beer Geek Breakfast Clone

I really have no idea what got me thinking about brewing a stout. Maybe a cooler than normal September or perhaps me getting sick of brewing pale ales and IPAs. The amount of oats in this beer is silly. Over 5 pounds split between flaked and Golden Naked definitely give this beer a viscous texture. Lots of roast and chocolate, plus the addition of 1 ounce of ground coffee hot brewed (I did organic Honduran in 16oz of water) makes this beer heavy duty.

The brew shop only had some unmarked smoked malt that smelled like stepping into a smoke house which is a sign it is definitely not German rauchmalt, so I was judicious in it’s use at 2oz. The clone recipe called for 10 oz. which I would only do if it is Weyermann’s finest.

The brew shop was also out of my favorite WLP 007 so  I tried WLP 004 Irish Ale which I’m assuming is the Guinness strain. I made a 2L starter and it performed extremely well with it  finishing in 4 days and flocculating like a champ.

Give it a few extra days in the keg then you normally would before serving due to the high amount of oats if you like your beer clear.

6 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.079
Estimated FG: 1.023
Estimated Color: 64 SRM
Estimated IBU: 70 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 7.4%

9 lbs German Pilsner (2 SRM) 43.4%
2 lbs 10 oz Flaked Oats 20 (1 SRM) 12.8%
2 lbs 10 oz Golden Naked Oats  (10 SRM) 12.8%
2 lbs 3 oz Chocolate Malt (450 SRM) 10.5%
1 lb 6 oz Caramunich (51 SRM) 6.7%
1 lb 6 oz Roasted Barley (300 SRM) 6.7%
1 lb 6 oz Special Roast (50 SRM) 6.7% (if you can find brown malt use that instead)
2 oz smoked malt (if you can get German go 10 oz)

60 minute Boil
56.00 g Chinook [11.9%] – 60 min 59.1 IBUs
14.00 g Cascade[7.5%] – 60 min 9.3 IBUs
42.00 g Cascade[7.5%] – 1 min 1.2 IBUs

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
25% RO water
75% Ventura (high bicarbonates and sulfates)
8g Calcium Chloride added to mash water
Mash in 8gallons water 161F and let stabilize to 152F for 60 min
Mashout 170F
Batch sparge 4 gallons cold

WLP 004 Irish Ale

Ferment until done 68F (5-7 days should be good)
Cold crash one day
Add gelatin and rack to keg and carbonate using your preferred method


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