Barclay Perkins KK

Another Pattinson recipe. I like the idea that nothing is new under the sun as demonstrated by this historical beer from 1928. This is pretty much a “black IPA” without the cattiness of American hops and no roastiness from roasted or patent malt – the color is instead derived through caramel. Color didn’t turn out black more of a ruby but that could be that my homemade brewer’s caramel may not have been burnt enough? I was a bit afraid to scorch the pan but maybe I should have? Anyhow, wort was bracingly bitter when tasted. Didn’t realize Falconer’s Flight is a blend of C hops. For some reason thought it was a blend of English hops. Probably not enough to effect overall flavor but it got the IBUs where I wanted because the EKG were pretty low at 4% and couldn’t stomach putting 7 ounces of hops into the boil. I already have terrible efficiency as it is. Tasted at racking to secondary and was a bit thin and still really bitter. Too much sugar? See what a little dry hopping and carbination does to this puppy. Hopefully round it out a bit.

6 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.067
Estimated FG: 1.010
Estimated Color: 23 SRM
Estimated IBU: 70.9 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 7.5%

8.5 lbs Marris Otter (3.0 SRM) 53.6%
3 lb Pale Six Row (2.0 SRM) 18.9%
2 lb Invert Sugar (60 SRM) 12.6%
1 lb 7 oz Falked Maize (1 SRM) 8.8%
12 oz Crystal 80 (80 SRM) 4.8%
3 oz Brewers Caramel (700? SRM) 1.3%

60 minute Boil
56.00 g East Kent Goldings  [4.0%] – Boil 60 min 26.4 IBUs
56.00 g East kent Goldings [4.0%] – Boil 45.0 min 24.2 IBUs
28.00 g Falconers Flight [10.0%] – Boil 30.0 min 20.3 IBUs
56.00 g East Kent Goldings [4.0%] – Dry Hop

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
Half RO water
Half Ventura water(high bicarbonates and sulfates)
5.00 g Calcium Chloride added to mash water
2 ml Lactic Acid to mash water
3.00 g Calcium Carbonate added to sparge water
Mash in 21.5 qt water 157F and let stabilize to 148F for 75 min
Batch Sparge 4.25 gallons 170F

WLP 007 Dry English 2L starter


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