
Hop Room at Sierra Nevada

Hop Room at Sierra Nevada

Was in Chico a few weeks ago and had the pleasure of going to Sierra Nevada. A few things blew my mind. One, I cant believe a place that really isn’t that big pumps out so much beer per year. The place is running 24/7. No wonder they needed a second brewery on the East Coast. Two, the original Pale Ale is incredible when fresh. I know they do there best to make sure it is in good condition when you get it at the market but man it was revelatory how floral and clean tasting the beer is straight from the brewery. Third, they had a bunch of the Beer Camp collaboration beers on tap. The Alt Route Altbier, in collaboration with Victory Brewing, really stood out. It’s one of those beers that is hugely inspiring when you have a well made one. Malty rich backbone and firm bittering balance so nicely.

This is my second attempt at an Alt. My first attempt had temperature control issues. I used to do the water and ice in a tub temperature control method and we had a heat wave. The yeast crashed when the fermenter got to 80F while I was at work. Had to pitch Cal Ale after attempts at restart failed. Won’t happen this time. Will be fermenting at 62F and then racking to secondary to cold condition for two weeks dropping the fermenter down a few degrees per day.

6 gallons

Estimated OG: 1.050
Estimated FG: 1.014
Estimated Color: 15.2 SRM
Estimated IBU: 50.1 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
ABV: 4.8%

8 lbs  Pilsner Malt (2.0 SRM) 63.0%
3 lbs Munich (9.9 SRM)  23.6%
1 lb Munich (39.0 SRM) 7.9%
8 oz Cara-Munich (56.0 SRM) 3.9%
3.2 oz Carafa II (412 SRM) 1.6%

90 minute Boil
28.00 g Magnum [13.6%] – Boil 60 min 42.9 IBUs
28.00 g  US Tettnang [4.6 %] – Boil 15.0 min  7.2 IBUs
28.00 g  Strisslespalt [2.0%] – Boil 0.0 min 0.0 IBUs

Whirfloc or Irish Moss 20 min
1tsp yeast nutrient 15 min

Mash and Sparge
Half RO water
Half Ventura water(high bicarbonates and sulfates)
5.00 g Calcium Chloride added to mash water
3.00 g Calcium Carbonate added to sparge water
Mash in 5 gallons water 157F and let stabilize to 156F for 75 min
Batch Sparge 5 gallons 170F

WLP 036 Dusseldorf Alt Ale 2L starter

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