A few Seattle beers

Just got back from Seattle. Although not as happening as Portland or San Diego there is a healthy number of quality breweries and beer bars. If I had more time would have visited a few breweries but did manage to sample a few  locally made beers. I’m not going to get all Beer Advocate on you but here’s a quicky review. By the way, everything I had was good to excellent.


Tried three different beers –

  1. Space Dust IPA – 7.2% 70 IBU
    A solid and well balanced IPA. Definitely can tell it was dry hopped with Citra.
  2. Tribbleation Triticale – 6% 60 IBU
    A pale ale bordering on IPA. Pretty dank for a pale ale. Might be the Mosaic.
  3. Bibelot Experimental Pale – Hovering around 8% IBU unknown
    Basically an IPA masquerading as a Pale Ale. Single experimental hop used throughout. Hop had a lot of fruit and the malt backed up the alcohol. I like this the best of the three.

Pike Brewing

Pike IPA – 6.3% 60 IBU
Middle of the road IPA but well balanced. Classic American hopping. Could be a tad more aggressive.

Georgetown Brewing

Lucille IPA – 6.8% 80 IBU
Huge hop aroma and super tasty. Put down three of these easily and could of done more. Looked on their site and they use an English yeast. That might be it. Excellent beer.

Fish Tale

Soundkeeper Organic Pale Ale 5% 33 IBU
A sessionable pale ale. A bit on the thin side and pretty unremarkable however. Too bad I heard that Fish Tale’s beers are pretty good.


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