1909 Finished Product

Color verging on a very dark brown. Kind of a porter type color. I think it would have been a bit more attractive a bit darker trending toward black. Clairty OK with the corn flakes probably adding a bit of haze and I just happened to run out of Whirfloc for this batch. Aroma of pears, tea, hay and a tiny bit of roast form the Carafa III which probably shouldn’t be there(lesson learned on using dehusked Carafa – it’s still a roasted malt). Dry hopped with EKG and some Willamette I found in the freezer but really not detectable in the nose. Body still a bit on the dry side even with mashing at 154 it finished at 1.014. I think the dry mouth feel is a perception of the tannic quality of this beer with so much vegetal matter from the high hopping rate and perhaps the Carafa. Taste is tannic and spicy with a just a hint roast. The corn and crsytal 120 add a touch of sweetness and complexity to balance out the bitterness but the beer definatley finishes on the dry side. Dangerously quaffable for a 6.5% beer.

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